Talent First Is A Powerful New Resource for Educational Accountability

Michigan’s education system is heading in the wrong direction. Thankfully, a new group is fighting for education that actually works for students and families: Talent First.

Talent First is designed to do exactly what its name says – make West Michigan first in attracting, developing, and retaining world-class talent. To achieve this vision, Michigan needs a world-class K-12 education system that empowers students to achieve their potential. Accountability is essential to creating such an education system.

Sadly, Michigan’s leaders have spent recent months undermining educational accountability. They’ve scrapped the grading system that showed which schools are failing, making it harder for families to find the best school and improve bad ones.

At the same time, Michigan’s leaders are throwing record sums of money at schools – without ensuring the money is well-spent. This money is supposed to help address Michigan’s teacher shortage. But the best way to recruit teachers is to create better schools, not throw money down the drain.

Talent First, like the West Michigan Policy Forum, will promote policies that improve our schools, support our teachers, and serve our families. And we’re proud to see that WMPF policy chair and board member Michael Jandernoa is also part of Talent First’s CEO council.

“Michigan’s future depends on the quality of the education our children receive,” according to Mr. Jandernoa. “Talent First is going to build a better education system by supporting greater accountability and opposing policies that undermine transparency.”

When it comes to improving Michigan’s schools, we all have a role to play. Please check out Talent First’s website. And please contact your local legislator: Tell them we don’t need more wasteful education spending. We need real educational accountability and transparency.