2022 West Michigan Policy Forum Conference

Panel Feedback

Panel 1 Question: What policies should WMPF support to make Michigan a top 10 state? 

Panel 1

Panel 1 feedback.

Panel 2 feedback: How should the WMPF advocate for the transformation of Michigan’s failing education system? 

Panel 2

Panel 2 Feedback.

U.S. Education Mission Statement

The mission of our public education in the United States is to serve as a primary partner with parents and students to support the development of the whole child (mind, body and spirit), ensuring all children have the opportunity to flourish as citizens in their communities and as contributors to their own prosperity. This is achieved by helping all students discover their personal life’s purpose and by empowering them with knowledge, skills, and character necessary to be successful members of their community. Graduating students will embrace lifelong learning, allowing them to adapt and thrive in an ever-changing, multi-cultural world.
The graduates of high school will have:
  Personal qualities
        Character (energetic, honest, dependable)
        Integrity (i.e., does not lie, cheat, or steal)
        Appreciation and empathy for others
        Understanding of differing viewpoints
        A good work ethic
        Takes responsibility for his or her own actions
        Values health and wellness for themselves and others
  Communication skills
        Reads, writes, and speaks the English language
        Uses technology to acquire information and facilitate problem solving and communication
  Citizenship skills
        Has an understanding of our country’s history and founding principles, including the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, with an appreciation of the right to vote and intention to exercise that right
        Values a welcoming community that supports all people
  Global skills
        Studied another language and culture
        Has a reasonable understanding of world geography
        Appreciates diversity and supports an inclusive community
  Math and science skills
        Can use and apply mathematical skills in daily life
        Has foundational knowledge of the physical and applied sciences
        Values the intrinsic benefits of our natural resources and ecosystems
By Dick Haworth, 10/19/2022